Tag Archives: growing up

(Not) Growing Up

There are some things I hope to never grow out of,
To never be too old for,
To never feel silly for loving.

Like a favourite cuddly toy,
Held tight in a reassuring, familiar hold.
Like a bed time story,
The spoken words softly moving me towards slumber.

I never want to be too grown up to give my mum a hug,
Call my father ‘daddy’,
To say Cheery-Bye to my best friend,
Like I have since we were teenagers.

I will continue to pull silly faces,
do bad impressions,
exchange random quotes and to laugh, always to laugh, with my husband.

I shan’t lose the joy of playing with Lego,
Or of swinging on a swing,
Or of singing in the rain.

Nor shall I let the friends who count,
Be forgotten in the drowning weight of all life throws at me.

I can’t deny that each year my age increases,
But I can fight back,
Hold on to all that matters,
Act stupid and foolish.

Together we will not grow old,
But keep each other young.

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